
Ruth Palmor

Ruth Palmor

Head Of Psycohology Department


Ruth Palmor is an expert rehabilitation psychologist and counselor with more than 25 years of experience in the psychological treatment of children and adolescents with disabilities. She holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Bar Ilan University, the former being in Psychology and Literature, and the latter in Rehabilitation Psychology.

Ruth has been the Head of Psychology at ALYN Hospital, and has been working at ALYN for more than 20 years in all. Her areas of special interest include ambiguous loss and logotherapy. In addition, Ruth initiated and continues to coordinate a groundbreaking multi-disciplinary advanced training program for educators in the school system on the topic of the integration of children with brain injuries into mainstream classroom settings.

During a child’s initial intake, the psychologist focuses on evaluating factors and circumstances affecting the child’s emotional condition and responses.

During the rehabilitation process, the psychologist helps the children to express their concerns and identify their strengths. This in turn helps the children to cope with their new situation, and with the demands of the rehabilitation process. A lot of emphasis is placed on helping the children to become more independent, and helping them to improve and develop their social skills and emotional development.

Psychological Evaluations

Prior to discharge from the hospital, the children undergo psychological evaluations. The evaluations are an important component in assisting the staff as they prepare their written recommendations for treatment therapies, as well as organizing a suitable rehabilitation program for the child within their community.

In cases where the child is suffering from a traumatic brain injury, the evaluation is carried out by a neuropsychologist who can locate and measure the extent of the brain injury, its implications, resulting behavioral problems and psychological difficulties.

The ALYN psychologists work with a number of treatment methods:

  • Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Behavioral Intervention
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Short-term therapy
  • Play therapy
  • Relaxation and Guided Imagery
  • Storytelling



The ALYN psychologists work in conjunction with professionals who use non-verbal
therapies such as art, music, animals and humor, i.e. medical clowns. These therapies are used in addition to regular psychological counseling sessions.

Often, the focus in the psychological counseling session is systematic, and includes consultation and guidance to the parents, to the educational framework where the child studies and to ALYN's paramedical staff.

When necessary, children at ALYN may receive a psychiatric consultation to help them progress in the rehabilitation process. In coordination with ALYN’s physicians, the psychologists may consult with the psychiatrist as part of the child's individualized psychosocial counseling. This service is also available, in special cases, to children who are treated at ALYN's outpatient clinics.

Neuropsychological evaluations

Neuropsychological evaluations are available to all children through ALYN's outpatient clinics.

These evaluations are suitable for both children and adolescents, and provide an assessment of the child's cognitive profile, emotional condition and learning difficulties, and include recommendations for specific therapy treatments. The evaluations provide information about learning abilities, and they are accepted by the Ministry of Education when the Ministry requires a psycho-didactic evaluation. These evaluations may also be used as legal documents.

The staff includes six psychologists who specialize in developmental psychology, rehabilitation and neuropsychology.