
Tentative Schedule:
Sunday, November 10: Visit to the Gaza "Envelope". The Nova Festival Memorial, the burnt car site, Kibbutz Be'eri
Monday, November 11: Kalia Beach Gallery 430 - the lowest art gallery in the world, the Ancient Deir Hagla Monestery, the Qasar al-Yehud site where the Jewish People first crossed into Israel. 
Tuesday, November 12: Mamshit National Park: the Anicent City of the Nabateans
Wednesday, November 13: Dead Sea Visitors Center: A new center that showcases the moden history of the Dead Sea and the Dead Sea Mineral Company
Thursday, November 14: Bet Guvrin National Park and Ampitheater: A centuries old UNESCO recognized World Heritage Site with incredible excavations carried on to this day
We will be at ALYN to greet the riders and particpate in the finishing ceremony as they finish Wheels of Love
Monday, November 11: Almog to Mitspe Shalem - 36 km, 238 meters climb
Tuesday, November 12: Mamshit National park to Nebatim AFB - 28 km, 215 meters climb
Wednesday, November 13: Arad to neot HaKikar - 50 km, 414 meters climb (includes 25 km descent)
Thursday, November 14: Bar B Har to ALYN Hospital: 23 km, 503 meters climb