There are different types of orthotics/prosthetics and they have to be fitted according to the child’s age, type of injury/disease, motor advancement and independence in mobility.
Depending on the child’s growth rate, the orthotics/prosthetics will need to be replaced (usually once a year).
Large portions of these orthotics/prosthetics are partially funded by the Ministry of Health through the Lewis Institute. A team of authorized professionals/signatories makes the decision regarding who is eligible to receive orthotics/prosthetics.
There are three authorized signatories appointed by the Lewis Institute who run the clinic at ALYN Hospital.
In the clinic, children are fitted with auxiliary aids and prostheses.
Clinic staff includes a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, physiotherapist and an orthotics technician (who specializes in building braces and orthotics).
Children with motor disabilities from various hospitals and institutions are referred to the clinic to be fitted with specialized equipment