Occupational Therapy

Osnat Arbel

Osnat Arbel

Director of Occupational Therapy





Osnat Arbel is an occupational therapist with more than 23 years of experience. She holds a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy.

Osnat has been the Head of Occupational Therapy at ALYN Hospital for 10 years. She is also responsible for ALYN Hospital’s Educational Institute, a training center for allied health professionals from across Israel, and has held this role for the past 5 years.

Osnat’s main areas of focus is the adaptation of assistive technology for children with special needs, including the use of computers, iPads, smartphones, and gaming systems.

The occupational therapy branch is managed by Mrs. Osnat Arbel

Occupational therapists concentrate on promoting the child’s independent function. The goal is to equip the child with “tools” to cope with life’s demands in social, school, work and play contexts.

Occupational therapists concentrate on promoting each child’s independent function. The goal is to equip the children with tools and skills to cope with life’s demands. Therapy is geared to creating or restoring age-appropriate social, school, work and play skills. The goal is maximal independence, taking abilities and disabilities into consideration.

In addition to individual and group therapy, the Occupational Therapy Department is responsible for the field of rehabilitation technology and equipment fitting such as seating, wheelchairs, car safety seats, and more.

Individual care plan

An individual care plan, based on professional assessment, is formulated for each child. The treatment plan has sensory, motor, cognitive and behavioral components. Assistive technology and equipment is fitted to promote mobility and function during activities such as play, writing, drawing, eating, dressing, etc. Adaptive computer technology, hardware and software, is fitted to enable the child to use a computer for writing, playing and communication.

What Makes us Unique?

  • Professional consultation and information provided to parents by Ma’ayan – Rehabilitative Equipment Display Center.
  • Instruction and advice about transportation safety provided to parents and schools by occupational therapists who are specialists in the field of safe transportation of children with special needs
  • Personalized recommendations for purchase and adaptation of equipment and computer technologies provided for each child
  • Recommendations for adapting the home to the child’s need
Occupational Therapy