Clinic Staff:
- Rehabilitation specialist
- Neurologist (as required)
- Specialist in artificial respiration (as required)
- Orthopedic Physician
- Physiotherapist
- Occupational Therapist
- Speech therapist
- Social Worker
The only multidisciplinary clinic of its kind in Israel for treating children with neuromuscular diseases causing difficulties in motor functioning including:
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and all types of dystrophies
- Myopathies (all types)
- Neuropathies (all types)
- Additional diseases such as Myelitis, Guillian Barre
On a visit to the multidisciplinary clinic, the patient passes several assessment stations. At the end of the day the treatment team have a joint meeting and discuss each patient in depth. A report is sent to the family with a summary of the discussion and the detailed recommendations.
“Muscular Dystrophy” refers to a broad group of muscular diseases which cause secondary damage (aside from muscle weakness): breathing disorders, development of bentness, functional damage and varying degrees of disability. Common to all these diseases is the need for professional support throughout the entire duration of the disease in order to predict and prevent secondary complications and reducte the functional and developmental disability.
In Israel there are a number of medical centers that diagnose children with congenital muscular disorders, and there, a primary investigation is carried out including biopsies of muscle and nerve, electrical conduction tests and genetic tests. Alyn is the only center built such that in can coordinate the medical and rehabilitative processes of those with muscular dystrophies simultaneously and according to their lifetime needs.
Comprehensive treatment
The clinics, the laboratories and the admissions ward at Alyn have the required rehabilitation abilities to support those with neuromuscular disease from the moment they are diagnosed. The first and main objective of the treatment team is to preserve functioning for as long as possible, and that is by fitting and constructing accessories as required, a monitoring program, preventing of bentness, a monitoring and rehabilitation system which includes a department in preparation for non-invasive/invasive artificial respiration, fitting of motorized chairs and rehabilitation equipment using the most advanced technology in the world, as well as psychological support for them and their families.