Feeding Rehabilitation

Judy Blinder Edelcopp

Judy Blinder Edelcopp

Director of Speech Therapist

Alyn Hospital leads the field in weaning children off alternative nutritional supplementation. Babies and children are referred here from all over the country.

The Feeding Rehabilitation Multidisciplinary Clinic at Alyn Hospital supports families in coping with their babies and children who have feeding issues while improving quality of life.

There is a multidisciplinary team operating at the Feeding Clinic that diagnoses and treats children and the members of their family who suffer from feeding problems during early childhood.


The clinic is multidisciplinary and includes a senior pediatrician, speech therapist, physiotherapist, developmental psychologist, occupational therapist, and a dietician. The clinic offers evaluation and treatment of children, and their families, with feeding disorders caused by medical, developmental or emotional issues. The children come from a wide variety of backgrounds and sectors.

What feeding disorders are treated at our clinic?

  • Feeding disorders resulting from medical disorders such as reflux, neurological diseases, syndromes and developmental delay.
  • Difficulty in transition to solid food from bottle feeding or nursing.
  • Slow growth or poor nutritional status.
  • Refusal to eat
  • Picky eaters
  • Weaning from enteral feeding (gastrostomy, NG tube, etc)
  • Feeding disorders resulting from alternative nutrition
  • Feeding difficulty in children born prematurely

The clinic evaluation includes a thorough medical exam and feeding or eating observation by the staff.

Children are referred for different types of treatment including medical follow-up, medical specialist consults, eating therapy (by speech therapists), developmental therapy, nutritional follow up, psychological counseling and support.

As Israel’s leading treatment facility for weaning from enteral feeding, babies and children from all over the country are referred for treatment at ALYN. 

The Pediatric Feeding Rehabilitation Multidisciplinary Clinic recently initiated a new service - evaluation of swallowing also known as Video fluoroscopic Swallowing Study.

Feeding Rehabilitation