
Monday March 10, 2025: Challenges parents face when caring for children with complex medical needs

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Prof. Tamar Weiss, PhD, OT, Executive Research Advisor, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Professor emeritus, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel


Prof. Yaffa Zisk Rony, Associate Professor, Henrietta Szold Hadassah Hebrew University School of Nursing in the Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel

Beyond participation: Parent activism in child protection as a path to transformative change

Dr. Yuval Saar-Heiman, Spitzer Department of Social Work, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev 

Parenting children with special needs in Israel: Bedouin and Jewish mothers process their experiences

Dr. Bilha Paryente, PhD, Vice head MA Program, Educational Psychology, Achva Academic College, Israel

Think like a parent  

Prof. Yaffa Zisk Rony, Associate Professor, Henrietta Szold Hadassah Hebrew University School of Nursing in the Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel

Monday February 10, 2025: Patient-reported Outcome Measures (PROMs): Concepts and Examples

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Greetings and Introduction

Dr. Simon-Henri Schless, PhD, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Senior Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

PROMs Demystified: Everything You Need to Know About Development and Implementation

Dr. Harpreet Chhina, Dept. of Orthopaedics, BC Children’s Hospital and Dept. of Orthopaedics, Experimental Medicine, University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

LIMB-Q Kids: Focus on cultural and linguistical adaptations

Sharon Eylon, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Clinical Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

The Gait Outcomes Assessment List (GOALTM) Questionnaire for individuals with Cerebral Palsy: Validation and clinical integration of the Hebrew version

Ruth Morgenstern, PT, Department of Physiotherapy, Tel Aviv University and Dr. Simon-Henri Schless, PhD, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Senior Lecturer, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel


Monday January 27, 2025: Socially Assistive Robotics for Rehabilitation

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Greetings and Introduction

Prof. Tamar Weiss, PhD, OT, Executive Research Advisor, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Professor emeritus, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel

Socially assistive robots: What are they and how can we use them in rehabilitation?

Associate Professor Shelly Levy-Tzedek, Director of the Cognition, Aging and Rehabilitation lab Department of Physical Therapy, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel

Beyond the Clinic: Redefining care with Socially Assistive Robots for lifespan rehabilitation

Dr. Ronit Feingold Polak, PhD PT, Herzog Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel

Socially assistive robotics as means of empowering people and improving human quality of life 

Prof. Maja J Matarić, Chan Soon-Shiong Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, Neuroscience and Pediatrics; Founding Director, USC Robotics and Autonomous Systems Center; Director, USC Robotics Research Lab, University of Southern California, USA

Tuesday December 3, 2024: Technology-based Cognitive Training for Pediatric and Adult Brain Injury Rehabilitation

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Greetings and Introduction

Dr. Neta Yitzhak (moderator), ​Dept. of Psychology and PI at The Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

A Researcher and Clinician's Insight into the Benefits of Computerized Cognitive Training in Adulthood

Eliane Gefen,OT, Doctoral student, University of Melbourne and Computerized Neurotherapy Lab, School of Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Occupational therapist, Soroka Hospital, Beer Sheva, Israel

Developing Cognitive Rehabilitation in Simulated Environments (Cog-RISE) Program for Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries  

Dr. Jiabin Shen, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Lead, UML Injury Research Group, University of Massachusetts Lowel, MA, USA

Cognishine: Web-based Platform for Cognitive and Language Therapy

  1. An approach to cognitive assessment for early development in children with special needs Prof. Tamar Weiss, PhD, OT, Executive Research Advisor, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Professor emeritus, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
  2. Overview Sagi Karni, Cognishine
  3. User experience in a pediatric rehabilitation setting Naomi Gefen, Ph.D, OT, Deputy-Director, ALYN Hospital; PI, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel


Monday September 9, 2024: Achondroplasia: Medication and Surgery

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Greetings and Introduction
Dr. Sharon Eylon, MD (moderator), Head, Pediatric Orthopedic Service, ALYN Hospital; PI, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel

New medications for Achondroplasia: Overview and the Israeli experience
Dr. Leonid Zeitlin, Ichilov-Dana Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel

Limb Lengthening for Achondroplasia
Prof. John Herzenberg, Rubin Institute for Advanced Orthopedics, Baltimore, MD, USA

What do we need to know about the spine in Achondroplasia patients?
Dr. Amit Sigal, Ichilov-Dana Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel


Monday July 8, 2024: Implications for rehabilitation of Achondroplasia: Developmental milestones, Assistive devices, Medication and Surgery

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Greetings and Introduction

Dr. Keren Politi, MD (moderator), Head, Pediatric Neurology, ALYN Hospital; PI, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel

An overview of Achondroplasia: Molecular basis and "natural history”

Dr. Ekkehart Lausch, PD Dr. med., Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany

Developmental milestones and physical therapy for Achondroplasia 

Orit Bartov, BSc.,  MPtPed, PT, Head, Physical Therapy, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

Assistive devices for Achondroplasia

Dr. Naomi Gefen, Ph.D, OT, Deputy-Director, ALYN Hospital; PI, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel

Monday June 3, 2024: Exploring Technology Interventions: Beyond Randomized Controlled Trials in Clinical Practice Evidence

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Greetings and Introduction

Dr. Naomi Gefen, Ph.D, OT (moderator), Deputy-Director, ALYN Hospital; PI, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel

A “FASTER” approach to generate research evidence for technology-based interventions in the field of disability and rehabilitation

Dr. Lisa K. Kenyon, PhD, PT, Department of Physical Therapy, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Innovative study designs for rehabilitation research: From mixed methods to randomized control trials                        

Dr. Marika Demers, PhD, erg. Associate professor, School of Rehabilitation, University of Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Rehabilitation robotics: Methodologies used to evaluate the evidence 

Dr. David J. Reinkensmeyer, PhD, Professor, Depts. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Anatomy and Neurobiology, Biomedical Engineering & Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of California at Irvine, California, USA  


Wednesday May 8, 2024: Children and families as partners in clinical care and rehabilitation research: Advocacy, Agency, Impediment

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Greetings and Introduction

Dr. Naomi Gefen, Ph.D, OT (moderator), Deputy-Director, ALYN Hospital; PI, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel

Should “Family centered” rehabilitation become “Family led”?

Dr. Maurit Beeri, Director General, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

Empowering Voices: Advocacy in Partnering with Children and Families in Clinical Care and Research 

Tali Kaplan - Founder and Executive Director, Little Steps - The step I choose
Dr. Naomi Gefen - Using the participatory design to improve function of individuals with Duchenne
Dr. Lori Rosenberg and James Haftel, Beit Finger - An inclusive study to plan the move from assisted to independent living with adults with severe cerebral palsy.

Importance of the pediatric patient and caregiver voice in healthcare, clinical trials, and research

Dr. Leanne West, Chief Engineer Pediatric Technologies, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA and President, International Children’s Advisory Network https://www.icanresearch.org/  


Monday April 8, 2024: The Child with Lower Limb Length Discrepancy: Orthotic and Surgical Management

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Greetings and Introduction

Dr Sharon Eylon (moderator), Head, Pediatric Orthopedic Rehabilitation and PARC PI, The Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

Introduction to limb development and incidence of congenital deformity

Mr Peter Calder, Consultant Paediatric and Limb Reconstruction Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London, UK

The Orthotic solution - Extension-prosthesis

Dr Sharon Eylon, Head, Pediatric Orthopedic Rehabilitation and PARC PI, The Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

Quality of life and function of adults with Extension-prostheses, and the change in use in the era of Limb Lengthening surgery

Dr. Vladimir Goldman, Orthopedics Surgery Department, Pediatric Orthopedics Unit. Head of Limb Lengthening and Deformities Correction Service, Hadassah Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Congenital Femur Deficiency/Tibial Hemimelia/Fibular Hemimelia - Classification, surgical treatment, enhancement of function

Mr Peter Calder, Consultant Paediatric and Limb Reconstruction Orthopaedic Surgeon, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, London, UK


Monday March 4, 2024: Large scale virtual reality systems for pediatric rehabilitation: State of the art or a white elephant?

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Greetings and Overview

Dr. Simon-Henri Schless (moderator), ​ Motion analysis and biofeedback laboratory and PARC PI, The Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

Large scale VR (GRAIL) in pediatric rehabilitation: a puzzle of opportunity

Dr. Emilia Biffi, IRCCS E. Medea, Associazione La Nostra Famiglia, Bosisio Parini 

Clinical integration of the GRAIL in the pediatric setting

Dr. Simon-Henri Schless (moderator), ​ Motion analysis and biofeedback laboratory and PARC PI, The Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

Can the use of the GRAIL improve gait function in children with a brain injury?

Dr. Gilad Sorek, Senior research assistant, The Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel and Post-doctoral fellow, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

Tuesday February 6, 2024: Associations between Sensory and Emotional Pain: Using virtual reality to alleviate pediatric pain and anxiety

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Moderated by Dr. Neta Yitzhak

The experience of pain and emotion – A meeting of body, brain, and mind Dr. Gadi Gilam, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Head of the tSCAN lab (translational Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience); Institute of Biomedical and Oral Research, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Using Virtual reality distraction to reduce fear and pain of children during burn wound care Prof. Hunter Hoffman, Ph.D., Director of the Virtual Reality Research Center at the Human Photonics Lab and Dept. of Psychology,  Univ. of Washington, Seattle, USA in collaboration with Dept of Anesthesiology and Pain Management; Faculty of a Harvard Medical School CME course entitled Pediatric Sedation


Monday January 15, 2024: Electroencephalography (EEG): A window into the mind?

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Moderated by Prof. Tamar Weiss

Attention research using EEG Prof. Elana Zion-Golumbic, Head, Human Neural Dynamics and Cognition Lab, Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel

EEG:  A window into understanding Neuro-Psychiatric disorders Dr. Felix Benninger, MD, Deputy Director Department of Neurology, Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva & Senior Lecturer and Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Neuroscience, Felsenstein Medical Research Center, University of Tel Aviv; Dr. Oded Shor, PhD, post-doctoral fellow, Dept. of Neurology, Rabin Medical Center, Petach Tikva, Israel

Can EEG follow up improve the treatment of acute brain injury? Dr. Keren Politi, MD, Head, Pediatric Neurological Services, ALYN Hospital; PI, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel




Monday December 4, 2023: Trauma Focused Interventions during Wars: Role of Advanced technologies

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Moderated by Dr. Neta Yitzhak and Prof. Tamar Weiss

Greetings and Overview

Dr. Neta Yitzhak, Dept. of Psychology and Helmsley PARC PI, The Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel
Prof. Tamar Weiss, Executive Research Advisor, The Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

Special Session: Trauma focused interventions for Israeli civilians and soldiers: Role of virtual reality & the Metaverse
Prof. Albert A. "Skip" Rizzo, PhD, Director, Medical Virtual Reality - Institute for Creative Technologies; Research Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry and School of Gerontology, University of Southern California, LA, USA

General discussion
Moderated by Dr. Neta Yitzhak & Prof. Tamar Weiss


Monday September 11, 2023: Rehabilitation and Supportive Care  – Partners throughout the Journey

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Moderated by Naomi Shoshani

Supportive rehabilitation: From theory to practice Ronit Wajntraub, Dept. of Nursing, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

Summary of five year’s clinical experience in pediatric supportive care Dr. Iris Fried, MD, Head, Pediatric palliative care service, Shaare Zedek, Jerusalem, Israel

Policies to integrate a supportive frame of mind into the rehabilitation program Dr. Maurit Beeri, Director of  ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel


Monday July 10, 2023: Role of assistive technology for children with cerebral palsy

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Moderated by Dr. Naomi Gefen

Cerebral Palsy- Looking back moving forward Dr. Sarah Capelovitch, Pediatric PT. Senior Bobath Instructor for CP and allied neurological conditions; Past president of EBTA -European Bobath Tutors Assoc., Rehovot, Israel

Role of assistive technology in early intervention for children with cerebral palsy Dr. Ginny Paleg, PT, DScPT, MPT, Montgomery County Infants and Toddlers Program, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA

An historical perspective on evaluation tools for assistive technology Prof. Jeffrey W. Jutai, PhD, Faculty of Health Sciences, Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario Canada


Monday June 5, 2023: Revolutionizing Healthcare with Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges

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Moderated by Mr. Arie Melamed-Yekel

ChatGPT and the future of medicine: Will AI replace clinicians? Dr. Tomas Karpati, MD, Head of Healthcare Analytics Lab (HEAL), Digital Medical Technologies Department, Holon Institute of Technology

Current and future applications of AI in rehabilitation Prof. Dahlia Kairy, Program in Physical Therapy, University of Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Prof. Tamar Weiss, Executive Research Advisor, ALYN Hospital and Professor emeritus, University of Haifa

Legal and ethical challenges in medical applications of AI Ms. Tamar Tavory, ADV, special counsel, Arnon-Tadmor Levy & Co.


Monday May 8, 2023: Using ultrasound to assess lower limb muscle-tendon unit properties in cerebral palsy: Impact on clinical decision making in pediatric rehabilitation

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Moderated by Dr. Simon-Henri Schless

On the origins of muscle weakness and deformity in children with spastic cerebral palsy Dr. Adam Shortland, Consultant Clinical Scientist of the One Small Step Gait Laboratory, Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital, London, and Senior lecturer in Clinical Biomechanics at King's College London, UK

3D ultrasound imaging for estimating passive and active muscle-tendon properties in cerebral palsy Dr. Francesco Cenni, Postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Can ultrasound improve clinical decision making for individuals with CP? Dr. Simon-Henri Schless, Manager of the ALYN Motion analysis and Biofeedback laboratory, PARC PI, ALYN Hospital; Teaching fellow, Tel Aviv University


Monday March 13, 2023: Upper extremity spasticity in children

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Moderated by Dr. Sharon Eylon

Evidence-based surgical treatment Dr. Shai Luria, Head of Hand and Microvascular Surgery Unit, Hadassah Medical Organization; Chairman, Israeli Society for Surgery of the Hand;
Senior Lecturer, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Evaluation of function Shoshana Steinhart, Dept. of Occupational Therapy, ALYN Hospital

What have I learned? Dr. Maxim D Horwitz, Consultant Hand and Wrist Orthopaedic Surgeon, MBChB FRCS(Orth) DipHandSurg, Consultant Hand and Orthopaedic Surgeon, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Trust and Honorary Consultant, St Mary’s NHS Trust

Revising your plans – Dr.  Horwitz’s case study

Revising your plans – Dr.  Luria’s case study

Monday February 6, 2023: Precision Medicine in Pediatric Rehabilitation: Current Status & Future Developments

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Moderated by Prof. Tamar Weiss

Topic Overview Dr. Keren Politi, Head, Pediatric Neurological Services, ALYN Hospital PI, Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, Jerusalem, Israel

Metabolomics as a clinical tool for diagnosing and managing inborn error of metabolism Dr. Yehoshua (Josh) Manor MD, Sectional Physician, Department of Metabolic Disorders, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Israel

From personalized medicine for individuals to precision medicine for populations Dr. Shane Wald Altman, Co-founder & CEO and Dr. Noa Bielopolski, Director of Science, QRGenetics, Tel Aviv, Israel


Monday January 9, 2023: Role of cognitive control in emotion regulation, mood, and mental health: Implications for everyday life and for rehabilitation

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Moderated by Dr. Naomi Gefen

The association between ecological cognitive control and emotion dysregulation in ADHD Dr. Mor Nahum PhD. PI, Computerized Neurotherapy Lab, Senior Lecturer, School of Occupational Therapy, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

Less Inhibited and More Depressed? The Interplay between Mood, Inhibitory Control and Depressive Symptoms Dr. Neta Yitzhak Ph.D, Rehabilitation Psychologist, ALYN Hospital and ALYN PARC PI, Jerusalem, Israel; Postdoctoral Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Training Interoception for Enhanced Cognitive Control Prof. Jyoti Mishra PhD MBA, Founder and Director, NEATLabs, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego; Dept. of Psychiatry, UCSD, San Diego, USA

Monday December 5, 2022: Multi-stakeholder Design Partnerships to Stimulate Effective Rehabilitation Technologies

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Moderated by Dr. Ahmi Ben Yehuda.

Multi-stakeholder Design Partnerships: Facilitating development, localization and adaptation of rehabilitation technologies Arie Melamed Yekel General Manager, ALYNnovation and The Helmsley Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Research Center, ALYN Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel

Focus on Development: Headovation Avital Eran, International Sales & Marketing Director, Headovations

Focus on Localization: Cognishine Sagi Karni, Product manager, Cognishine

Focus on Adaptation: Wide Rinat Hitelman, Co-Founder & CSO, Wide

Validation strategies of design partnerships Yoav Fisher, Head of Tech Innovation, HealthIL


Monday November 7, 2022: Post-pandemic developments in telerehabilitation

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Moderated by Prof. Tamar Weiss

Greetings and Overview of recent advances in tele-rehabilitation Prof. Tamar Weiss Executive research advisor, ALYN PARC, Jerusalem, Israel, Professor emeritus, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel and Prof. Dahlia Kairy, Associate Professor, Physiotherapy Program, School of Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal

Patient and Parent Experiences with Group Telerehabilitation for Child Survivors of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Genevieve Lambert Department of Experimental Surgery, McGill University and CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center, Montreal, Canada

Video-based learning: Tools to promote optimal remote therapy challenges (Developed with MSR: Israel Center for Medical Simulation, Sheba Medical Center and the Israel Remote Therapy Community) Dr. Naomi Gefen, Deputy-Director ALYN Hospital, ALYN PARC PI

Monday September 12, 2022: Lower limb muscle synergies during gait in the paediatric rehabilitation population: from theory to implementation

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Moderated by Dr. Simon-Henri Schless

Primitive locomotor patterns: journey into the development of motor control
Prof. Nadia Dominici, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Validity of lower limb muscle synergy analysis for application in the paediatric population Dr. Marije Goudriaan, PhD, Postdoctoral fellow - Department of Human Movement Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands

Integration of lower limb muscle synergy analysis as a tool in paediatric rehabilitation Dr. Gilad Sorek, PhD, Postdoctoral fellow, ALYN PARC, Jerusalem, Israel

Monday July 11, 2022: Brain Computer Interfaces and Innovative Applications

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Moderated by Dr. Naomi Gefen

Greeting and overview: The importance of neuro-physiological monitoring and EEG in pediatric rehabilitation Dr. Keren Politi, Head, Pediatric Neurology, ALYN Hospital; PARC PI

Enhancing life participation for children with severe neurological disabilities with simple Brain Computer Interfaces Dr. Adam Kirton MD MSc FRCPC, Professor of Pediatrics and Clinical Neurosciences, Dr. Robert Haslam Chair in Pediatric Neurology, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Pediatric Neurologist, Alberta Children's Hospital

Brain-computer interface technology for restoring speech to patients with severe paralysis Dr. David Moses, Postdoctoral Scholar, Neurological Surgery, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, USA

Monday June 7, 2022: Pediatric Feeding Rehabilitation tools – new tricks for old dogs

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Moderated by Dr. Eliezer Be’eri

Greeting: Prof. Christian Lunetta, MD, Scientific Director and Neurological Specialist, Innovation & Technology Hub for Neuromuscular Diseases, Milan, Italy

Video Fluoroscopy Studies as a feeding rehabilitation tool – a step beyond assessing dysphagia Dr. Maurit Beeri, Director-General, ALYN Hospital– Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Center

The Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS) for people with cerebral palsy – purpose, potential and emerging clinical guidance Dr Diane Sellers PhD MA BA MRCSLT, Clinical Specialist and Lead Speech and Language Therapist, Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust, Chailey Clinical Services, North Chailey, nr Lewes, UK

Monday May 2, 2022: Innovations in lower limb lengthening: Surgical and rehabilitation aspects

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Moderated by Dr. Sharon Eylon

External Fixator versus Lengthening Nails: Indications, Tips and Tricks Prof. Christof Radler, Associate Professor of Orthopedics, University of Vienna; Senior Consultant and Head of Pediatric Orthopaedic Team, Orthopaedic Hospital Vienna, Austria

Orthospin Auto Struts - New Generation of Hexapod Frame Dr. Eitan Segev, Deputy Director, Department of Orthopedics, Dana-Dwek Children's Hospital (Ichilov)

Rules of the Road: Limb Lengthening Rehabilitation Dr. Fran Guardo, MEd, MPT, DPT, BSPTS C1&2, Director of Rehabilitation for the Paley Advanced Limb Lengthening Institute, West Palm Beach; Adjunct professor, Dept. of Physical Therapy, Nova Southeastern University, Florida

Hydrotherapy for patients with external fixation Dr. Vladimir Goldman, Dept. of Orthopedic Surgery, Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center and ALYN Hospital Children’s and Adolescent Rehabilitation Center, Jerusalem, Israel

Monday April 4, 2022: Simulation, Virtual Reality and Knowledge Translation

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Moderated by Arie Melamed-Yekel

Greeting: Prof. Philippe Archambault, OT, PhD, School of Physical & Occupational Therapy, McGill University

Knowledge translation: Applying theoretical knowledge to the promotion of technology for rehabilitation and independent performance Dr. Naomi Gefen, ALYN PARC PI, Deputy-Director ALYN Hospital - Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Post-doctoral Fellow, School of Physical & Occupational Therapy, McGill University

Immersive virtual reality in pediatric rehabilitation: current state of the evidence, facilitators and barriers, and novel applications for evaluation and intervention Prof. Danielle Levac, Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada

Monday March 7, 2022: Pediatric rehabilitation and pain management

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Moderated by Dr. Naomi Gefen

Greeting: Professor Paul Dimitri, Professor of Child Health & Consultant in Paediatric Endocrinology, Director of Research & Innovation and of NIHR Children & Young People MedTech Cooperative, UK

Pediatric rehabilitation and pain management Dr Emmanuel Kornitzer, Pediatric rehabilitation & Day Care rehabilitation, ALYN Hospital - Pediatric & Adolescent Rehabilitation Center, Jerusalem, Israel

Playing your pain away: designing a virtual reality therapy for children with upper limb motor impairment Ivan Phelan, MSC, Principal Research Fellow, Sheffield Hallam University, UK

Monday February 7, 2022: Functioning of the cardiac autonomic control system in the paediatric population with a brain injury: Clinical manifestation and implications for clinical practice

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Moderated by Dr. Simon-Henri Schless

The cardiac autonomic control system in rehabilitation and quaternary prevention in individuals with cerebral palsy Prof. Michal Katz-Leurer, Department of Physical Therapy, the Steyer School of Health Professions,Tel Aviv University

Recovery and rehabilitation of the cardiac autonomic control system in children post severe traumatic brain injury Dr. Gilad Soreq, Poriya Medical Center and ALYN PARC post-doctoral fellow

Monday January 10, 2022: Novel neurological interventions for children

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Moderated by Prof. Tamar Weiss

Treatment of genetic epilepsies- from serendipitous therapy to personalized medicine Dr. Andreea Nissenkorn, Senior Lecturer in Pediatric Neurology at Tel Aviv University, Deputy Director of the Pediatric Neurology Unit and Director of the Pediatric Epilepsy Clinic, Wolfson Medical Center

Amantadine drug therapy an "old" drug with new indications Dr. Keren Politi, Head, Pediatric Neurology, ALYN Hospital; PARC PI