
Naomi Shoshani

Naomi Shoshani

Department Director

The nursing staff supports every patient and their family throughout the entire rehabilitation process. The nurses assist, identify, treat and guide the patients and their families with every request relating to their physical, medical and emotional needs around the clock.

The nursing staff provides support for every child and their family throughout the entire rehabilitation process. The nurses assist, identify, treat and guide the children and their families with every request relating to their physical, medical and emotional needs.

In addition, the nursing staff work with the children on their rehabilitation goals throughout the day.

Our goal

The skilled and experienced nursing staff in the Rehabilitation Department focuses on seeing the full picture of each child's needs – together with the needs of the children’s families. The goal of the nursing staff is to assist the children and their families in reaching the child’s rehabilitation goals, and to help the children become as independent as possible, facilitating their successful reintegration back into their home communities.
