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Yonatan Razel and "The Wonder-Kid on Wheels" sing together at ALYN
A few weeks ago Yonatan Razel paid a special visit to the children of ALYN. What made the visit even more special was that ALYN patient and YouTube sensation Yisrael Goldreich – "ילד הפלא על גלגלים (The Wonder-Kid on Wheels)" got to sing with him.

A few weeks ago, our children, families and staff were delighted when the iconic
Yonatan Razel surprised all with a heartfelt, spontaneous performance at ALYN Hospital! The magic of the moment was multiplied when he was joined by ALYN patient and YouTube sensation, Yisrael Goldreich (ילד הפלא על גלגלים)!
As we mark Israel's national holidays of
#YomHazikaron and
#YomHaatzmaut, we honor the courage and spirit of our brave IDF soldiers and security forces

by singing along with Yonatan and Yisrael: "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – protect the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces."
In this period of remembrance and jubilation, our hearts are with the families of the courageous soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice and with the families of the innocent victims of cowardly terrorist attacks. Our prayers are for the safe and speedy return of our hostages to their families.

Let us stand united, for in unity lies our strength and resilience.

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